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How to view SQL Server mount point space without access to server

11 March,2024 by Tom Collins

Question : I'd like to view the mounpoint size & freespace for a SQL Server installation , but do not have access to the server directly i.e through RDP.Also there are no user databases currently on the dedicated user database mountpoints so am not able to work out the physical name . 

The only information I have is the  server & share details  .     For example   "\\myserver\h-share\mydata"  .   


Answer:  If you're using Powershell and have sufficient privileges , one option is to investigate the Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume  class on Get free disk space for mount points using Powershell

If you're getting Access Denied issues , than another option is the dir command , typically used to display the the durectory files and subdirectories . 

To use it for the moutpoint details - you'd execute the command similar to :  dir/s \\myserver\h-share\mydata   . As well as supplying the folder and directory list - there'll be a summary of files size aggregates at the bottom of the result set . Adding these totals will give you the full size 

Example : 

Total Files Listed:
0 File(s) 99,000 bytes
9 Dir(s) 644,100,980,736 bytes free

Author: Tom Collins (


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