23 June,2023 by Tom Collins
Question: Is it possible to take a SQL Server database transaction log backup and full backup at the same time ? Are there any conflicts ?
Answer: Yes , taking a transaction log backup and a full back up at the same time doesn't cause a onflict . Although there a few points to consider.
1) A SQL Server full backup does not truncate data from the transaction log.
2) A typical transaction log backup has some cleanup activiyty . In the situation of a simultaneous transaction log \ full backup scenarion - log will not be cleaned until full backup completes. The truncation occurs at the first log backup after the full backup .
3) Although it sounds unusual - it can also potentially help you if a transaction log backup is taken - in the situation where the full backup fails.
4) Database backup does not cause blocking at a transactional level , but it also applies to not blocking a transaction log file
5) When you check the Backup history for a single SQL Server database , you'll notice references to the checkpoint_lsn and database_backup_lsn . Use these references to investigate the checkpoint times
6) In case you're concerned about the Log Backup Chain breaking - read through Reasons for Transaction Log Backup Chain breaking to understand some of the scenarios where the Log Backup Chain can occur . Take the appropriate steps to maintain backups to satisfy the Application RPO
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