05 July,2022 by Tom Collins
Using a symetric key , how can I encrypt a column in a SQL Server database table? And what are some of the common pitfalls related to setting up column level encryption
In summary these are the steps
=>Step 1 : Create a database master key
=>Step 2 :Create a SQL Server self-signed certificate
=>Step 3 : Create and Configure a symmetric key for encryption
=>Step 4: Encrypt the column data
=>Step 5: Query and verify the encryption
There is a previous post with an outline of the sql code How to set up SQL Server Column Level Encryption . The following post is adding some extra notes and comments
Although the details below outline the basic process for enabling & executing column-level encryption some considerations are required beyond just enabling\configuring column-level encryption
1.Client coding changes are required. The DecryptByKey and EncryptByKey functions are client code related .
2. Will there be a requirement to migrate the specific encrypted column data , for example an ETL process , nightly table copy or even a one-off table copy to another database. To successfully read the data once it's copied will require the the certificate used for the encryption and the private key to be backed up and imported into to the target database. The import process should include the password used to backup the certificate
3. If you need to backup & restore the database hosting the encrypted column onto another server , & require to decrypt the data - you'll need to move the service master key details across to the target server - other wise you'll get this type of error .
Msg 15581, Level 16, State 7, Line 5
Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation.
If you plan to manage encrypted data on SQL Server, ensure you store\manage the Database Master Key (DBMK) passwords, and you backup your Service Master Key (SMK).
When you enable & utilise SQL Server column level encryption there is a chain of 5 keys utilise . Service Master Key, Database Master Key, Asymmetric key, Certificate and Symmetric key. Whenever you implement column level encryption, a complete hierarchy of keys needs to be created and able to decrypt the other keys along the hierarchy.
You may need to apply all these steps are some , depending on the current state of the database.
Step 1: Create a database master key
Check if a master key is exists in the database.If it doesn't exist a database master key will need to be created
Msg 15578, Level 16, State 1, Line 13
There is already a master key in the database. Please drop it before performing this statement.
If you attempt to DROP the master key and get the message :
Msg 15580, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
Cannot drop master key because certificate 'mycertname' is encrypted by it.
This query on the database will report on the database master key
SELECT name KeyName, symmetric_key_id keyid, key_length keylength, algorithm_desc keyalgorithm FROM sys.symmetric_keys;
Step 2 : Create a SQL Server self-signed certificate
If there is a column encrypted it will not be possible to drop the certificate . You may need to first audit if there are any encrypted columns , use this query :
SELECT tbls.name TBL, syscol.name COL FROM sys.columns syscol INNER JOIN sys.types typ ON syscol.system_type_id=typ.system_type_id INNER JOIN sys.tables tbls ON tbls.object_id=syscol.object_id WHERE typ.name='varbinary' AND tbls.is_ms_shipped=0
if a new self-signed certificate is required use this CREATE CERTIFICATE statement:
Use this query on the sys.certificates to identify the certificate details
SELECT name AS certificate_name, pvt_key_encryption_type_desc AS pvt_key_encryption, thumbprint FROM sys.certificates
Step 3 : Create and configure a symetric key in preparation for column level encryption
Use the catalog view sys.symetric_keys
SELECT name symKeyName, symmetric_key_id symKeyID, key_length symKeyLength, algorithm_desc symKeyAlgorithm FROM sys.symmetric_keys;
Step 4: Encrypt the data
A SQL Server encrypted data column needs to be varbinary.
In the example table build , I've added a few rows and I've added a column with a varbinary data type
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[testDataEnc]( [ID] [int] NULL, [Surname] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [SocialSecNumber] [varchar](20) NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO testDataEnc select 1 , 'Prince', '1283719287319823' UNION ALL select 2 , 'Santana', '1283719287319823' UNION ALL select 2 , 'Hendrix', '1283719287319823' ALTER TABLE [dbo].[testDataEnc] ADD [SocialSecNumber_enc] [varbinary](max) NULL
Next step is to update the the varbinary column with encrypted data . I'll use the unencrypted data from the column SocialSecNumber column to update the SocialSecNumber_Enc column.
To initiate the encryption process - requires the symetric key to be opened
OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY my_symetric_key DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE my_cert; UPDATE testDataEnc SET SocialSecNumber_enc = EncryptByKey (Key_GUID('SymKey_test'),SocialSecNumber )
Once I've updated the columns and I issue a SELECT statement without using the symetric key - these are the results I get . To view the data decrypted - go to to step 5 for a sample code
ID Surname SocialSecNumber SocialSecNumber_enc
1 Prince 1283719287319823 0x00E13807D1F1194A94FE93FA325BD27302000000CD2D52C7E9883B9CC7F78F161B96C62D587073A2F370A3ADC3EC3D0EFA041DF96A5955765979A037DA5F79ABABA9F5C9
2 Santana 1283719287319823 0x00E13807D1F1194A94FE93FA325BD27302000000571FA0B5F05BDF342B7396666A90D025B4C59FD873DDF098BFB80983411AD20184BEBC8FE69104B7880EBDFE24549F52
2 Hendrix 1283719287319823 0x00E13807D1F1194A94FE93FA325BD273020000001B93DA0F0467F9B3BEFDC1AC06E20EADCA9011FE7AE4CEE798CB0972617AB7CC730C6D51241EEA412160D3FBCE7BDFF4
Step 5: Query the encrypted data
OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY my_symetric_key DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE my_cert_test; select ID,surname,socialSecNumber, CONVERT(varchar, DecryptByKey(SocialSecNumber_enc)) AS 'Decrypted Social Security Number' FROM testDataEnc
Read more on database encryption
Impact on TDE encryption in progress on SQL Server restart
A guide to restore a TDE database backup to another SQL Server Instance
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