04 July,2022 by Tom Collins
Question: I need some help with a Powershell function to generate some text output based on some imput parameters . Can you supply an example of a Powershell function or possibly including calling a function from within a function
Answer: This is a general question , but here is an example of utilising a function using the Powershell syntax. The concept is a general programming construct . In the example below there are 2 functions - GetNewDatabaseDetails & Get-RandomPassword .
Don't worry about the purpose of the function - it's part of a larger script to generate code , the main point is that the function is referenced and called from different parts of the code.
At the bottom of the script you'll see the line "GetNewDatabaseDetails $mydb" - It's calling the GetNewDatabaseDetails function , which generates a bunch of text for creating a PostgreSQL database. In the middle of the GetNewDatabaseDetails there is a reference to the Get-RandomPassword function.
Generally - if you're finding yourself reusing Powershell code & making slight modifications - then there is possibility it's a candidate to be converted into a function
##Input parameter param ( [string]$mydb = "" ) #Purpose generate a new CREATE DATABASE Function GetNewDatabaseDetails([string]$dbname) { $dbname = $dbname; $userfull = $dbname + "_full" $usefullpw = Get-RandomPassword 8 $userread= $dbname + "_read" $usereadpw = Get-RandomPassword 8 $fullcreatedb = @" ###############START CREATE DB DETAILS: $dbname##################### CREATE DATABASE $dbname; \c $dbname CREATE SCHEMA $dbname; CREATE USER $userread WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '$usefullpw'; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE $dbname TO $userread; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA $dbname TO $userread; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA $dbname TO $userread; ALTER USER $userread SET search_path TO $dbname; CREATE USER $userfull WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '$usereadpw'; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE $dbname TO $userfull; GRANT USAGE,CREATE ON SCHEMA $dbname TO $userfull; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA $dbname TO $userfull; ALTER USER $userfull SET search_path TO $dbname; ## username/password $dbname $userread / $usereadpw $userfull / $usefullpw ###############FINISH CREATE DB DETAILS: $dbname##################### "@ return $fullcreatedb } function Get-RandomPassword { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int] $length ) #$charSet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789{]+-[*=@:)}$^%;(_!&#?>/|.'.ToCharArray() $charSet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'.ToCharArray() $rng = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider $bytes = New-Object byte[]($length) $rng.GetBytes($bytes) $result = New-Object char[]($length) for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $length ; $i++) { $result[$i] = $charSet[$bytes[$i]%$charSet.Length] } return (-join $result) } ##example GetNewDatabaseDetails $mydb
Full credit for the Get-RandomPassword function goes to arminreiter.com
Read more on Powershell functions
How to use Powershell string functions
Powershell script – Function to return server disk capacity
Powershell script function for disk free
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