26 May,2022 by Tom Collins
Question: I'd like to create a list of SQL Logins\users mapped to a database. Do you have a script which will create this list?
Answer: This code uses the undocumented stored procedure sp_msloginmappings. This script creates a temporary table , inserts the results - filtering on the database name and presents the results in a table.
--Step 1 : Create temp tab;le CREATE TABLE #tempMappings ( LoginName nvarchar(1000), DBname nvarchar(1000), Username nvarchar(1000), Alias nvarchar(1000) ) --Step 2:Insert the sp_msloginmappings into the temp table INSERT INTO #tempMappings EXEC master..sp_msloginmappings --Step 3 : List the results . Filter as required SELECT * FROM #tempMappings WHERE DBName = 'my_db' ORDER BY DBname, username --Step 4: Manage cleanup of temp table DROP TABLE #tempMappings
Read more on security scripts
Find database users mapped to db_owner role
How to List SQL logins and database user mappings
How to Script database role permissions and securables
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