25 February,2022 by Tom Collins
Question: I have a SQL Server with TDE enabled and the user databases are TDE configured. I need to take a backup and restore the TDE enabled database to another SQL Server Instance . Could you take me through the steps including prerequisites?
Answer: To successfully restore a TDE enabled database onto a target SQL Server , the target SQL Server will need to be : TDE enabled & have a copy of the certificate used by the Source Server. Following is a progression of how to migrate the TDE enabled database , and will vary according to your current set up
On the Source Server - Check to see if the current database is encrypted
SELECT d.name, d.is_encrypted, dek.encryption_state, dek.percent_complete, dek.key_algorithm, dek.key_length FROM sys.databases as d INNER JOIN sys.dm_database_encryption_keys AS dek ON d.database_id = dek.database_id
Take a backup of the TDE enabled database
backup database test to disk = 'G:\test.bak'
Move the .bak file to the other SQL Server Instance - which is TDE enabled . If you haven't yet TDE enabled the target server use this link to Database Master Key Creation -A guide to setup TDE for SQL Server
If the target server is already TDE enabled including the Database Master Key creation - then you won't need to create a new Database Master key.
On the target SQL Server - Execute a RESTORE FILELISTONLY to view the files within the database
restore filelistonly from disk='G:\test.bak'
This message may appear - if there isn't a valid certificate on the target server
Msg 33111, Level 16, State 3, Line 5
Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally.
To overcome this error message the certificate and the private key created on the source server using the BACKUP CERTIFICATE statement should be copied to the target server. When copied over - use the CREATE CERTIFICATE for addition to the target server master database /
This is an example of the CREATE CERTIFICATE executed on the target server. In this example - the .cert and .pvk files are obtained from a BACKUP CERTIFICATE statement executed on the source server. I have then copied them across to the target server , to accessible local drive , and executed the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement
USE MASTER GO CREATE CERTIFICATE TDETest_Certificate FROM FILE = 'G:\tde_certs\TDE_Cert.cert' WITH PRIVATE KEY (FILE = 'G:\tde_certs\TDE_CertKey.pvk',DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'MyverystrongPWD' );
The certificate and the private key that we created from the source server with the BACKUP CERTIFICATE statement have to be copied to the destination server instance. Once the files have been copied, use the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement to add the certificate to the master database in the destination server. The FROM FILE and FILE parameters point to the certificate and private key files.
As an added note - some thought should be given to managing the certificate, private keys and passwords. For example in a situation of losing the server and not being able to recover the server and database objects , you may need to restore a TDE enabled database onto a new server .
If you see this error message , speak to the Administrator who is managing the passwords used by the TDE process.
Msg 15465, Level 16, State 6, Line 20
The private key password is invalid.
If the CREATE CERTIFICATE works successfully you should be able to view the certificate in the sys.certificates
SELECT name AS certificate_name, pvt_key_encryption_type_desc AS pvt_key_encryption, thumbprint FROM master.sys.certificates
The certificate is now in place to support the restore of the database onto the target SQL Server.
USE [master] RESTORE DATABASE [test] FROM DISK = N'G:\mytdeenableddb.bak' WITH FILE = 1, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 5 GO
Read more on TDE
Impact on TDE encryption in progress on SQL Server restart
Tested TDE with Instant File Initialization on SQL Server databases
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