31 August,2021 by Tom Collins
Question : How can I find the Active Directory Group group scope - Local Domain, Global Group, Universal Group with Powershell?
Answer: Powershell has a range of cmdlets to access and read the Active Directory . One of the Powershell cmdlets is Get-ADGroup - which retrieves a group or groups from Active Directory.
This is an example of returning all the columns for all AD groups on a specific server , where the string "DBA Team" is part of the AD group name
Get-ADGroup -Filter "name -like '*DBA Team*'" -Properties * -server "myADserver.net" | select *
As part of the resultset - there is a column called "Group Scope" . This "GroupScope" column returns the values required - Local Domain, Global Group, Universal Group.
To return only the relevant columns i.e name and group scope use something similar to the below
Get-ADGroup -Filter "name -like '*DBA Team*'" -Properties * -server "myADserver.net" | select name,groupscope
Read more on Active Directory AD group
How to find Active Directory users with Get-ADUser search filter
How to get DOMAIN login name with Powershell Get-ADGroupMember
How to Export Active Directory Group Members with Powershell Get-ADGroupMember
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