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Get free disk space for mount points using Powershell

21 June,2021 by Tom Collins

Question: How can I get the capacity & freespace on Windows drives including mount points using Powershell. 


Answer: Win32_Volume class “represents an area of storage on a hard disk”.     Normally - we may look first at Win32_LogicalDisk class  “represents a data source that resolves to an actual local storage device on a computer system running Windows”.    

A volume mount point is a drive or volume in Windows that is mounted to a folder that uses the NTFS file system. A mounted drive is assigned a drive path instead of a drive letter. By using volume mount points, you can  mount, a target partition onto a folder on another physical disk.

--Get freespace and capacity of every drive & mountpoint on a Windows servers. This will return the figures as bytes

Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | Format-Table Name, Label, FreeSpace, Capacity

--Get freespace and capacity of every drive & mountpoint on a Windows servers. This will return the figures as GB. 

--Added the Round function and limited to 2 decimal points 

Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume  | Select-Object driveletter,Label,@{Name='freespace';Expression={[math]::Round($_.freespace/1GB,2)}},@{Name='capacity';Expression={[math]::Round($_.capacity/1GB,2)}}


--Add the -computername switch if you need to check remotely 

Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume  -computername MYCOMPUTER| Select-Object driveletter,Label,@{Name='freespace';Expression={[math]::Round($_.freespace/1GB,2)}},@{Name='capacity';Expression={[math]::Round($_.capacity/1GB,2)}}

Read more on Powershell & disk management 

Powershell script to check disk space on remote servers

Powershell script function for disk free

How to master Mount-Diskimage in Powershell


Author: Tom Collins (


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