19 April,2021 by Tom Collins
An application using SQL Server as the database backend was experiencing some application rollbacks. I decided to investigate the SQL Server to identify any errors which could be correlated to the application timeouts experienced by the users.
I started reviewing the errors in the Extended Events system health logs, which are normally running by default on a SQL Server. They have a ton of useful information . I noticed a steady stream of deadlocks . This is the code used to create a permanent table to store the deadlock details , for review by the application team.
Extracting details from Extended Events can be challenging but there there is an Extended Events function - sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file , which will parse the xel file. The xel file is a reference to the file name extension of the event file target.
In the code below - I'm creating a permanent table - to store the data for future use - but I also need to dynamically grab the location the xel file to parse the data. I grab that data by using the sp_readerrorlog procedure. Derive the file path , place in a variable and then use the @path variable to construct the full file path of the event data file (xel).
CREATE TABLE DeadlockLog (dealock_info XML, logDate DATETIME) CREATE TABLE #deadlocklog ( LogDate DATETIME , ProcessInfo VARCHAR(100) , [Text] VARCHAR(MAX) ); DECLARE @tag VARCHAR (MAX) , @path VARCHAR(MAX); INSERT INTO #deadlocklog EXEC sp_readerrorlog; SELECT @tag = text FROM #deadlocklog WHERE [Text] LIKE 'Logging%MSSQL\Log%'; DROP TABLE #deadlocklog; SET @path = SUBSTRING(@tag, 38, CHARINDEX('MSSQL\Log', @tag) - 29); INSERT INTO DeadlockLog SELECT CONVERT(xml, event_data).query('/event/data/value/child::*') AS DeadlockDetails, CONVERT(xml, event_data).value('(event[@name="xml_deadlock_report"]/@timestamp)[1]', 'datetime') AS Execution_dateTime FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file(@path + '\system_health*.xel', NULL, NULL, NULL) WHERE OBJECT_NAME like 'xml_deadlock_report';
Read more on Deadlocks
Number of deadlocks since last SQL Server restart
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