29 March,2021 by Tom Collins
Question: I need to extract the securables for a user created SQL Server database role. For example , the Explicit Permissions including the Permission,Grantor,Grant,With Grant and Deny. And also the Securables - Schema,Name,Type
How can I get this information via t-sql?
Answer: Initially you can check the SQL Server Profiler and trap the actual sql query executed as part of generating the display. An example of the query is :
declare @name varchar(20) set @name = 'myuser' SELECT ascii(prmssn.state) AS [PermissionState], null AS [Code], grantor_principal.name AS [Grantor], prmssn.type AS [SqlCodePP], CASE WHEN (prmssn.class=4 or prmssn.class=101 ) THEN CASE (SELECT oc.type FROM sys.server_principals AS oc WHERE oc.principal_id = prmssn.major_id) WHEN 'R' THEN CASE prmssn.class WHEN 4 THEN 201 ELSE 301 END WHEN 'A' THEN 202 ELSE CASE prmssn.class WHEN 4 THEN 200 ELSE 101 END END ELSE prmssn.class END AS [HiddenObjectClass] FROM sys.server_permissions AS prmssn INNER JOIN sys.server_principals AS grantor_principal ON grantor_principal.principal_id = prmssn.grantor_principal_id INNER JOIN sys.server_principals AS grantee_principal ON grantee_principal.principal_id = prmssn.grantee_principal_id WHERE (prmssn.class = 100)and(grantee_principal.name=@name)
I have modified this statement slightly . One thing you'll notice with the output is some esoteric columns - which you may not have previously explored e.g sys.server_permissions.PermissionState & sys.server_permissions.class
sys.server_permissions.class = Identifies class of thing on which permission exists
sys.server_permissions.State = Permission state
sys.server_permissions.Type = server permission type
Just using the query above you'll get some data , but unless you're familiar with the codes and the permissions state numbers , it can be of little use.
A more readable query and more useful to read Is:
SELECT grantee_principal_id, class_desc, [permission_name], state_desc FROM sys.server_permissions WHERE grantee_principal_id IN(281);
Some more reading on user permissions
How to Script database role permissions and securables
SQL Server database roles and GDPR
Powershell sql server security audit
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