17 February,2020 by Tom Collins
Question: In the application error logs there is a message - The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint FK_xxxxxxxxx
What is causing this error ? How can I troubleshoot?
Answer: The error is occuring because there is an attempt to delete a parent table data before the referenced child table data is deleted
When a database uses a FOREIGN KEY , its purpose is to create a link between two tables. The foreign key is one or more columns in the a table referencing another table's PRIMARY KEY.
A child table is the table hosting the FOREIGN KEYS.A parent table is the table hosting the PRIMARY KEY.
The main idea underlying the FOREIGN KEY is to maintain referential integrity - via blocking deletion of data being referred elsewhere
There are 2 main patterns for managing PARENT - CHILD DATA
1)Delete the rows from child table first, then the rows from the parent table.
. but is potentially a dangerous practise . Mainly because the application is disassociating the DELETE logic from other logic that may be encapsulated in queries , stored in ad-hoc queries or stored procedures. This point is up for debate
Read more on foreign key constraints
How to drop a SQL column and find foreign keys with sp_fkeys
List Foreign Key Constraints -MS SQL
How to list constraints of a table (SQL Server DBA)
SQL Server – Optimize delete from table
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