23 January,2019 by Tom Collins
Question: I'm trying to execute a batch script which includes a SQLCMD
SQLCMD -E -d master -S %1 -i "SQL_AGENT_JOBS_INSTALL.sql"
The sql script includes a reference to a SQL AGENT token SQLLOGDIR.
When I run the same script from SSMS it all work OK, but executing it through the batch\ SQLCMD route throws this error.
How can I fix this issue?
Answer: To pass a variable into SQLCMD use the -v switch.
the format is : -v var = "value"
Extending the example used above :
This is a workaround - and the problem suggests the sql script is attempting to capture values from within the SQL Server environment - but as this is running as a batch job the values are set prior to the interaction with SQL Server.
For more SQLCMD related reading
How to capture errors from SQLCMD (SQL Server DBA)
SQL Server - SQLCMD with screen output and output file
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