05 May,2018 by Tom Collins
Question: I'm trying build some Powershell scripts to automate and standardize the SQL Server patching process. One of the steps is to create a temporary drive with a dedicated letter . This drive should be mapped to a network share. That way the executable , which exists on the network , will run as if on the local server.
How can I create the new drive , mapped to a network share in Powershell?
Answer: Powershell has a few different cmdlets for this purpose. I like using New-PSDrive . The New-PSDRive allows you to nominate a drive letter , point to a network share and persist.
This is an example of how to apply New-PSDrive . In this case , I'm creating a new drive "S" - mapped to the network share.
New-PSDrive -Name "S" -Root '"\\mmynetworkshare\data\SQL KB4058561_SQL_Server_2016_SP1_CU"' -Persist -PSProvider "FileSystem"
If you're interested in more Powershell scripts check Powershell scripts for DBA
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