06 April,2018 by Tom Collins
Question: When attempting to open a table via SSMS 2012 – through the Edit top 200 rows , I get the Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation , Attempted to read or write protected memory.This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt error message
How can I fix?
Answer: There are a number of potential fixes to this problem
1)Is the SSMs the correct version? In other words is the SSMS a lower version from the target SQL Server? For example – are you attempting to connect to SQL Server 2016 from a SSMS version 2012?
2)Have you recently installed\upgrade .Net framework? You may need to repair
3) Have you rebooted the machine hosting the client ?
Read more on SSMS
How to fix System.OutOfMemoryException when using SSMS (SQL ...
SQL Server – Open SSMS without the splash screen graphic
SQL Server - Open SSMS on the Command Line (SQL Server
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