14 December,2017 by Tom Collins
Question: How do you use input parameters on Powershell via command line? I need to pass a value
Answer: The easiest way to use input parameters on Powershell via command line is to use this method. This method will give you the flexibility to use multiple input parameters in your powershell scripts
First , let's look inside the script:
param ( [string]$myserver = "http://myserver" ) write-output $myserver
This script accepts an input parameter - which you'll call from the command line. In this case , you'll pass in a parameter call "myserver" and then it will output to the console. If you don't pass in a parameter - the default value "http://myserver" will be written.
.\parameters.ps1 -myserver http://www.sqlserver-dba.com.com
Read more on Powershell input parameter via command line
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