29 June,2017 by Tom Collins
There is increased chatter about another global ransomware attack. This one is called Petya . The main attack point of Petya is Windows master boot record. The Petya ransomware encrypts the NTFS table and there is a demand for Bitcoin payment.
The general advice is to be careful about email attachments, apply security patching aggressively , offsite backups and browsing.
There are a number of steps which can assist in mitigating the risk on a server hosting SQL Server.
No browsing allowed on servers supporting SQL Server
There's always debate about whether anti-virus software should be installed on a server hosting SQL Server. Read more on Is AntiVirus Software required on a SQL Server (SQL Server DBA)
A very thorough certification process will assist in locking down the system . Couple with a rigorous change request process will minimise the surface attack space.
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