06 April,2017 by Tom Collins
Question: I’ve received some ISO files with the contents of SQL Server Enterprise and need to open them and retrieve the contents. I don’t have a specific disk image tool.
I’m on a Windows 2012 server . Are you able to offer any advice or assistance?
Answer: Windows Server 2012 supports the facility to Mount an ISO file without installing any extra software. Previously you needed a disk image tool installed.
Back in the good old days of SQL Server 2005 - the process required extraction first - read more on SQL server 2005 install with ISO images
Now all you need is a right click on the ISO and choose Mount. Then you manipulate the files as required.
If you discover that you can’t mount an ISO – I’d first check any flags that have been marked on the ISO file – you can always cross-check by attempting to mount on another server.
Another situation with Mount failing is when the download has not yet completed
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