14 March,2017 by Tom Collins
When it comes to becoming a DBA and progressing a DBA career, a lot of people tend to miss the big picture. Before you start obsessing over every minor feature in SQL Server or any other database platform , focus on getting the basics under your belt.
I'd heard about the 80 20 rule in software development and the The 90 – 90 rule – SQL Antipattern #009 (SQL Server DBA), but I'd never heard of the 95 - 5 rule. It turns out it's very similar to the others , and just proves that the basic message is not to get to obsessive about the details .
I'm not saying details aren't important - after all - it's all about the details. It only takes a few misplaced commands and you have minestrone soup on your hands rather than an elegant piece of coding
But you get the point . Your time is limited - so it is essential you find a way or system that works for you. How to learn the basics and how to keep applying the basics to your every day job.
For example I'd consider mastering t-sql an essential skill as related to DBA work. It will take you deeper into the platform , and offer you an insight into other troubleshooting complex SQL problems. So why not spend time to master this skill?
Before you obsess over the finer details, first focus on getting the basics right. Use the “95/5 Rule” to center your energies on mastering these commonsensical fundamentals of good health.
I want to become a DBA. What should I first learn ?
How to go from New DBA to Advanced DBA - SQL Server DBA
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5 tricks to boost DBA productivity (SQL Server DBA)
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