11 February,2017 by Tom Collins
During SQL Server performance tuning it is common to find patterns in t sql stored procedures and t sql programming which can lead to less than optimal performance.
These need to be considered in the context of the application . There may be legitimate reason for these t sql usages , but it’s worth tracking down and reviewing . I work with the developers \ programmers to suggest alternatives and workarounds
Some methods to use in tracking down t sql which cause problems
T SQL Antipatterns
1) Fn_split . In creating estimates on Exceution Plans usually the estimates are wildly inaccurate
2) Joining to Table Value Function or table variables . Use temp tab;les, using a temp table , statistics will be accurate Multi-statement table valued function and inefficient Excecution
3) Every reference to a CTE will create an execution
4) Dynamic SQL – make sure you apply parameters correctly
5) Non SARGABLE queries - WHERE LEFT, UPPER, LIKE, YEAR, VARCHAR = @NVARCHAR - classic examples in a non-sargable queries. Beware of table scans Query to find non – sargable sql statements – SQL Antipattern #009
6) Nested Views
7) Correlated subquery
SQL Server - Stored Procedure Checklist (SQL Server DBA)
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