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Resource database in SQL Server SystemResource db - mssqlsystemresource

20 February,2017 by Tom Collins

Question: I’m getting error messages when starting SQL Server about a missing   mssqlsystemresource.mdf file . How can I track down down some information about the Mssqlsystemresource database?

The tactic I’ll deploy is to get a copy of the Mssqlsystemresource mdf and ldf files from another SQL Server instance and place in the location on the current corrupted SQL Server

Answer: I’ve used this tactic previously and it can work – as long as the versioning is accurate and you replace the files on the correct paths.

The two queries will assist in the troubleshooting .  Before you replace from another server , check with the Backup and Recovery team – as they should have this file backed up . Although it is not uncommon for policies to be set up whih exclude mdf and ldf for flat file backups

Checking current version and the last update

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ResourceVersion') ResourceDatabaseVersion,SERVERPROPERTY('ResourceLastUpdateDateTime') ResourceDatabaseLastupdatedate;

To locate the physical location


Use master
 SELECT 'ResourceDB' AS [Database Name] , NAME AS [DB File Type] , FILENAME AS [File Location] 
 FROM sys.sysaltfiles      WHERE DBID = 32767


Author: Tom Collins (


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