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Help command in sql for undocumented commands

21 February,2017 by Tom Collins

Question: I can get the help details for a dbcc sql command via the DBCC HELP function. For example, something like

DBCC HELP('CHECKDB') will display the usage details for the DBCC CHECKDB. A very useful function which saves me time from checking the MSDN site.

But if I’m using an undocumented command such as DBCC AUTOPILOT I get :

Msg 8987, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

No help available for DBCC statement 'AUTOPILOT'.


Is there a way of accessing DBCC HELP details for sql undocumented tasks?


Answer: The way to accesss the DBCC HELP details for undocumented sql commands is to utilise the DBCC TRACEON(2588). Enabling this trace will allow you to report on sql undocumented commands , at the click of a button.

No need to serach around for the docuementation on the internet.

For example:




DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

dbcc AUTOPILOT (typeid [, dbid [, {maxQueryCost | tabid [, indid [, pages [, flag [, rowcounts]]]]} ]])


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List SQL Server DBCC commands using trace 2520 – documented ...

3 ways to have fun with DBCC PAGE (SQL Server DBA)

Author: Tom Collins (


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