07 February,2017 by Tom Collins
Question: I’m trying to find the latest sql cumulative update on a SQL Server. I’ve read the post SQL Server – Get SQL Server Version (SQL Server DBA) and have extracted the details. How can I tell from the information the cumulative update.?
The SQL Server version details returned are: 12.0.5538.0 . It’s SQL Server 2014 – but how do I know the Cumulative Update version?
Answer: As you have read the post SQL Server – Get SQL Server Version (SQL Server DBA) getting the sql server version is recorded within the SQL Server meta data. A Cumulative Update (CU) is created and contains a list of hot fixes . Keeping up to date with a CU can be more practical for a DBA. Having to keep up to date with every hotfix can be a daunting task.
Once you have the information from one of the methods posted in , you can obtain the CU version number by checking a host of references on the Microsoft site. One such example:
The example you’ve given : 12.0.5538.0 is CU3 for SQL 2014 SP2
SQL Server Version with Powershell (SQL Server DBA)
Use Powershell Get-Hotfix to get all hotfixes on Windows
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