27 January,2017 by Tom Collins
Questions: What are the skills required for a SQL Server DBA in a rapid development environment?
I’ve read the Agile DBA – which is useful , with loads of useful details, but looking for more practical details
Answer: The details presented in Agile DBA are the main cornerstones for the DBA moving into the “new world” of agile development, automation , self service and self healing.
Companies are critically evaluating how to make it easier and cheaper to manage the database platform. A database platform which has growing data volume, diverse database systems - for example - SQL Server , MariaDB, MongoDB,PostgreSQL all being managed by one set of DBAs.
Learning the new features of database servers is a standard aspect of the job but introducing more automation and self service requires other skills
More scripting! I predict the demand for developer\scripting skills in the DBA world will skyrocket. Some common issues for DBAs such as :
Configuration Management
Performance Tuning
Inventory management
can be managed by a range of scripting skills Powershell . Python, Perl, Java, Ruby, and Shell . Hundreds\Thousands of servers require a different mindset
When you consider the range of demands placed on a DBA and the type of details they need to manage - for example, audit , error management,license management , charge management , capacity planning , and the list goes on. It is unusual for one tool to cover all problems. This is where scripting skills are very useful
What skills do you think are important for rapid development?
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The 90 – 90 rule – SQL Antipattern #009 (SQL Server DBA)
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