15 November,2016 by Tom Collins
Question: We have some scripts which dynamically generate sql code. For example on how to generate code for change all database owners to sa
SELECT 'use '+QUOTENAME(name)+ ' exec sp_changedbowner @loginame =''sa'' ' FROM sys.databases AS d WHERE d.database_id>4 and d.is_read_only = 0
I’d like to streamline the process and investigate some alternatives. One of the alternatives is to utilise sp_MSforeachdb.
What are the some of the disadvantage to using sp_MSforeachdb ?
Answer: sp_MSforeachdb has many benefits and is a very handy DBA tool . But it doesn’t satisfy all situations. These are some of the disadvantages
Performance Myth : Replacing a CURSOR with a WHILE LOOP and think you are not processing with a row
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