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How to create a Powershell Function to return server disk capacity

13 April,2016 by Tom Collins

Question: Is there an efficient way to return the aggregate of the various drives on a Windows OS using Powershell? Instead of returning individual drives , I need to a total capacity .

Ideally, this would be a function which I can use in different powershell scripts .

Answer:This Powershell function accepts an input parameter of a server name. The script uses Get-Wmiobject method, to iterate though every disk – note: I have it filtered at DriveType=3 – you can change this to your specifications.

The script aggregates the disks and uses the $TotalCapacity variable, to return to the calling process. There is an example code to call the function.  


Function GetAggDiskCapacity([string]$server)
$computer = $server
$disks = @(Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $computer -Filter 'DriveType = 3')
 $TotalCapacity = 0
$disks | ForEach { $TotalCapacity += $_.Size }
return $TotalCapacity 

##GetAggDiskCapacity myservername45

Read more on Powershell scripts

Powershell Scripts for DBA (SQL Server DBA)

Powershell - run script on all sql servers (SQL Server DBA)

Free disk space on drives using Powershell (SQL Server DBA)


Author: Tom Collins (


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