05 April,2016 by Tom Collins
This is not strictly SQL Server related , but is a topic in which I’m interested. Sleep. Mainly because I appear to be sleep deprived for a large portion of the week. According to some experts – if you’re sleeping is broken at least 2 nights a week – then you are pathologically sleep deprived.
Dr James Maas has a simple sleep test . Five questions, which if you answer to 2 or more suggests you are sleep deprived
1) Does a warm room ,a small amount of alcohol , boring meeting, a boring meeting make you feel drowsy?
2) Do you fall asleep within 5 mins of turning the light off
3) Do you need an alarm clock to wake up ?
4) Do you hit the snooze bar repeatedly?
5) Do you sleep extra on the weekend?
Yes to 2 or more and you are pathologically sleep deprived
Dr James Maas has these golden rules, which I have to say in reality are difficult to achieve – but I’m certainly going to give it a go
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