06 March,2016 by Tom Collins
Go beyond the manual opening of SQL Server Error Logs and SQL Agent Error Logs by using the xp_readerrorlog procedure. Your life will suddenly become easier .
These commands will get you started .
--reads the current SQL Server Error log
xp_readerrorlog 0
--reads the second SQL Server Error Log
xp_readerrorlog 2
--reads the current SQL Agent Logs
xp_readerrorlog 0,2
--reads the current SQL Server Error log with the search string 'Login'
xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, "Login"
----reads the current SQL Server Error log with the search string 'Login' and 'failed'
xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, "Login","failed"
----reads the current SQL Server Error log with the search string 'Login' and 'failed',since 20160306 and up to 20160307
xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, "Login","failed" ,'20160306','20160307'
--reads the current SQL Server Error Logs in descending order
xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'desc'
SQL Server – Reading and Deleting SQL Server Error Log files ...
SQL Server - Powershell and SQL Error Logs - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server Error Log Check - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server – Error Logs recycle without SQL Server Restart - SQL ...
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