27 January,2016 by Tom Collins
Question: How can I return a Windows Event Logs recordset within a date range? I’m troubleshooting a recurring issue across certain servers, and needed a Powershell scripted method of returning Windows Events from the System event log , event id ,start date, end date.
Answer: For filtering event log details I use the Get-WinEvent Powershell cmdlet. The -FilterHastable switch manages the parameters . Let’s look at some basic examples.
Example 1 : Find all events from the System log of the event id 36874 between the 01/12/15 and 21/12/15
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='system';id=36874;StartTime="01/12/15";EndTime="21/12/15"}
Example 2: Find all events from the Application log between a date range
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='application;id=256;StartTime="01/01/16";EndTime="21/01/16"}
Example 3 : Find all events from the Application log between a date range and limit results to 10
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='application;id=256;StartTime="01/01/16";EndTime="21/01/16"} -MaxEvents 10
These Get-WinEvent examples will get you started on extracting Windows Events. One of the interesting thing about Get-WinEvent is the capacity to extract messages from different Event log providers.
Use the -ListLog switch in the Get-WinEvent powershell cmdlet to extract the list of logs on a machine . You’ll be amazed at the list of log sets and types available. There is great potential in combining resultsets from different logs when troubleshooting
Get-WinEvent –ListLog *
The alternative way of extracting Windows Event Logs is via the Get-EventLog cmdlet. Although easier to learn it doesn't have the same breadth of filtering capacity.
Powershell Get-EventLog and Event Log messages - SQL Server DBA
Expand your Powershell mind – Three key cmdlets - SQL Server DBA
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