21 January,2016 by Tom Collins
Question: I’m trying to collate some VM error alerts for a server outage. As well as OS and SQL Server logs I need to find any event logging for ESX hosts. I’m looking to execute a query on the VCDB database with some date range parameters and a ESX host parameter.
Answer: In VMWare 5.5 it is possible to query the VCDB database Views. There is a wealth of information in these SQL Views. As well as host information such as configurations and other met , there is detailed logging for historical statistics and event logging
Find the Virtual Centre SQL Server Instance supporting your environment and check your login account has read privileges.
If the underlying tables have not been archived the resultset from these views can be large . The improve the response use some filter predicates.
Find the ESX host name by using Query VMWare vCenter VCDB database for guest and host details ...
Once you've found the ESX host decide on the date range.
USE VCDB GO select EVENT_ID, EVENT_TYPE, CREATE_TIME, HOST_NAME,DATASTORE_NAME FROM [dbo].[VPXV_EVENTS] WHERE host_name = 'myesx_host.net' and CREATE_TIME between '2016-01-20 18:00:00.000' and '2016-01-21 14:00:00.000' ORDER BY CREATE_TIME DESC
Some interesting event messages to consider are:
In a future post , I’ll outline some approaches to troubleshooting these alerts
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SDD_Service error and vmware multipath - SQL Server DBA
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