18 December,2015 by Tom Collins
Perfmon has a useful feature of generating a Systems Diagnostic Report. The Report checks for various categories : Software Configuration, Hardware Configuration, CPU,Network,Disk ,Memory
To create the report use the cmd line. Run As administrator
type perfmon /report.
Perfmon will collect data for 60 seconds
The two immediate areas to check are : Warnings and Performance. You can drill down into the details by following the links.
This is a great feature and is usefull all-round diagnostics tool. The key is to interpret the data to resolve any issues.
If you need to analyse other correlations over a greater period of time with customised relationships set up customised Perfmon collection sets
These reports could be used as part of a measurable diagnostics rather than relying on Blind Faith versus Test Oriented programming – SQL Antipattern #004
SQL Server - Perfmon ,Waits and Queues - SQL Server DBA
Window Perfmon scripting, SQL Server perfmon and how to perfmon
Performance Monitor Counters for SQL Server performance testing
SQL Server – Measuring SQL memory usage - SQL Server DBA
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