05 June,2015 by Tom Collins
Question: During a routine activity I detached a READ ONLY database , reattached the READ ONLY database. The standard backup procedure for this database was a FULL BACKUP on Friday and DIFFERENTIALS on other days.
If the database is READ ONLY , there is no requirement for a DIFFERENTIAL , but it’s part of a SQL Server Instance wide backup policy. Occassionally , the database is taken out of READ ONLY and data updated.
A few days after the database attach I needed to complete a database restore . I discovered I couldn’t restore back to the last DIFFERENTIAL backup. The last FULL backup was taken BEFORE the database detach \ attach
The differential base lsn did not match the last full backup. Why is this occurring?
Answer: According to MSDN-the microsoft developer network “When a read-only database is rebuilt, restored, or detached and attached, the differential-base information is lost. This occurs because the master database is not synchronized with the user database. The SQL Server Database Engine cannot detect or prevent this problem. Any later differential backups are not based on the most recent full backup and could provide unexpected results. To establish a new differential base, we recommend that you create a full database backup.”
Based on this information – the corrective action is to take the database out of READ ONLY mode, take a FULL BACKUP and then restart the DIFFERENTIAL backups.
As you progress through the test scenario – use the script on SQL
Server - Display sql backup history for a single database to view the values.
I’m including a sequence of sql code which recreates the problem.
--create a database CREATE DATABASE [backup_test] --make backup_test READ ONLY ALTER DATABASE backup_test SET READ_ONLY --check sys.master_files SELECT name,differential_base_lsn,differential_base_guid,differential_base_time FROM sys.master_files where name = 'backup_test' --take FULL BACKUP BACKUP DATABASE [backup_test] to DISK='E:\BACKUP\backup_testRO.bak' --check sys.master_files - you should now see some values SELECT name,differential_base_lsn,differential_base_guid,differential_base_time FROM sys.master_files where name = 'backup_test' --detach the database EXEC master.dbo.sp_detach_db @dbname = N'backup_test' GO --check sys.master_files - you should now see no values SELECT name,differential_base_lsn,differential_base_guid,differential_base_time FROM sys.master_files where name = 'backup_test' --attach the database USE [master] GO CREATE DATABASE [backup_test] ON ( FILENAME = N'E:\backup_test.mdf' ), ( FILENAME = N'F:\backup_test_log.ldf' ) FOR ATTACH GO --take a DIFFERENTIAL BACKUP BACKUP DATABASE [backup_test] TO DISK = 'E:\BACKUP\backup_testDIFFRO.bak' WITH DIFFERENTIAL
Database backup does not cause blocking - SQL Server DBA
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