08 May,2015 by Tom Collins
Question: How can I INSERT into an existing table using a SELECT statement from an existing table?
I don’t want to create a new table , just simply INSERT into an existing table
Answer: To INSERT data from an existing table into an existing table use the INSERT INTO .. SELECT method. This method will take a recordset from an existing table and inserts into another existing table.
INSERT INTO myTable(col1,col2)
SELECT col1,col2 FROM myTableexisting
A common misunderstanding is to use the following pattern, which creates a new table.
SELECT * INTo myNewTable FROM myOLDTable
USE SQL_TOOLS go CREATE TABLE myTest (myID INT, myvalue VARCHAR(100) ) CREATE TABLE myTest2 (myID INT, myvalue VARCHAR(100) ) GO --insert source data into source table INSERT INTO myTest SELECT 1,'myvalue1' UNION SELECT 2, 'myalue2' GO --copy source data into a another table INSERT INTO myTest2 (myID,myValue) SELECT myID,myValue FROM myTest WHERE myID = 1 SELECT * FROM myTest2 DROP TABLE myTest DROP TABLE myTest2
SQL Server - Bulk Insert CSV into a SQL Server table - SQL
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