01 January,2015 by Tom Collins
What’s hot in database servers for 2015?
1) More data ,always growing!
2) Faster access to the growing data
3)Security mainly due to web facing and increased regulatory requirements. There are multiple approaches to web interfacing with database servers, ranging from Microsoft through to OpenSource
4)DBAs dealing with increasing types of databases: temporal, logic, content – based , Multimedia
Based on my experience in 2014 –working on large SQL Server and DB2 installations, these were the main ideas gaining prominence. There are loads of other developments ,but these are based onmy working experience
Increased usage of Solid State Disk. For certain activities , such as risk modelling – characterised by very high volume number crunching , it can be cost effective
Business intelligence - Just keeps getting better.Analytics and modelling contiiously improving , as problem sets keep emerging
Increased optimization techniques
New \ improvised locking and commit rules
Main-memory databases
New types of indices
The future of the SQL Server Performance Tuning Expert
DBA Ignorance , complacency and arrogance experiment
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