10 December,2014 by Tom Collins
During a SQL Server Security Review , I needed to list SQL Server Logins classified as NT groups across Production SQL Servers. It’s easy to complete manually if there are only a few servers, but if you’re dealing with hundreds of SQL Server instances , Powershell is a good option to iterate through a list of SQL Servers , gather the information and compile a HTML report.
select @@servername ,convert(nvarchar(100),name) from sys.syslogins where isntgroup = 1
You’ll notice I’ve issued a CONVERT function on sysname. The sys.syslogins view returns name as a sysname datatype. Powershell doesn’t handle the automatically the sysname datatype. Normally I recommend allowing the client application to manage the conversion, but I find it simpler with Powershell to issue the CONVERT function as part of the SQL Statement.
Wrapping this sql statement into a Powershell process is straightforward. This Powershell code iterates through a list of SQL Server instances with a valid login and executes the sql statement on the sql server. The recordsets are stored in a System.Data.Datatable. When the iteration completes the System.Data.Datatable is dumped out using the ConvertTo-HTML function , generating the HTML file.
$isodate=Get-Date -format s $isodate=$isodate -replace(":","") $basepath=(Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath $outputfile="\nt_groups_" + $isodate + ".html" $outputfilefull = $basepath + $outputfile $style="" $dt = new-object "System.Data.DataTable" foreach ($svr in get-content "C:\powershell_scripts\instances_prod.txt"){ $svr $cn = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection "server=$svr;database=master;Integrated Security=sspi" $cn.Open() $sql = $cn.CreateCommand() $sql.CommandText = "select @@servername ,convert(nvarchar(100),name) from sys.syslogins where isntgroup = 1 " $rdr = $sql.ExecuteReader() $dt.Load($rdr) $cn.Close() } $dt| select * -ExcludeProperty RowError, RowState, HasErrors, Name, Table, ItemArray | ConvertTo-Html -head $style -body "SQL Server NT groups (Production)" | Set-Content $outputfilefull
Feel free to use the code and customise for your own purposes. If you’d like some customisations, contact me
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