09 September,2014 by Tom Collins
I maintain checklists for common SQL Server DBA tasks and analysis. These help to maintain the task details , so when I repeat the task , the details are documented.
Effective time managment is critical in busy environments.
A sample list of SQL Server DBA checklists I use.
SQL Server - Stored Procedure Checklist - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server Performance Checklist - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server Error 26 troubleshooting checklist - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server - TempDB performance and strategy checklist
SQL Server non-clustered index checklist - SQL Server DBA
Storage Checklist FAQ - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server database files configuration checklist - SQL Server
SQL Server MSDB size checklist - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server - Security Risk Analysis and database security
Virtualization – and database servers
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