10 May,2014 by Tom Collins
Question: I have a level of wait types prefixed DBMIRROR. I know these waits relate to mirror resources. The wait events are represented as:
How can I reduce this wait type?
Answer: I’ve noticed on some forum posts a common response is to change from synchronous to asynchronous, or more drastically – shut down database mirroring. BUT BEFORE you make this change – analyse and make an attempt at identifying the root cause.How to report a SQL Server performance problem
Without knowing your existing platform , here are some tips which may assist you in finding the root cause.
Are you seeing a high level of average wait time for DBMIRROR_DBM_MUTEX? There is a good possibility you may be mirroring to many databases or a high level of mirroring activity.
A useful tool to help analyse the DBMIRROR_DBM_MUTEX wait type is the SQL Server, Database Mirroring Object in Perfmon. The counter Log Send Flow Control Time (ms) reports on the time log stream messages wait for the send flow control.
Sending log data is a common reason for contention between principle and mirror , leading to high usage of the send buffers.
1) System resources – check for general bottlenecks include: 32\64 bit differences,activity on non-mirrored databases, amount of mirroring sessions, analyse difference between asysnchronous and synchronous, IO contention check principle and mirror
2) If using synchronous, check disk IO on mirror. Slow writes on mirror disk , cause the acknowledgement from the mirror to the principle.
3) If using asynchronous , check disk IO on principal , which may be experiencing slow reads from disk
IO_completion on disk solved with Wait Stats and Perfmon - SQL ...
SQL Server - Disk IO performance and SQLIO
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