02 October,2013 by Tom Collins
Question: Users are complaining this query is slow and is creating a bottleneck. The query includes a subquery which relies on the DISTINCT keyword. The Execution Plan indicates the highest cost is related to the DISTINCT . How can I speed up the query response time?
--SQL Server parse and compile time: -- CPU time = 31 ms, elapsed time = 116 ms. --SQL Server Execution Times: --CPU time = 29500 ms, elapsed time = 36388 ms. --SQL Server parse and compile time: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms. SELECT NumbersCodeId, sStatsDescription, sStatsDescriptionCode, NumbersRoutineId, NumbersTypeId FROM NumbersCode WHERE NumbersTypeId = 2 AND NumbersCodeId IN (SELECT distinct NumbersCodeID FROM NumberStatistics INNER JOIN NumberObject ON NumberObject.lNumberObjectId = Number.lNumberObjectId )
Answer: Looking at the plan , the issues are : a) the DISTINCT keyword b) potential normalisation problem.
The normalisation problem requires an analysis of the data model and how it is queried. I’m assuming you don’t have an immediate influence on the table design .
One option to improve the speed is to use a MATERIALIZED VIEW , which is basically a View with computed and stored date. An example of computed and stored data is a Clustered Index
Based on the initial query , the example below – creates a VIEW , eliminating the need for the DISTINCT keyword . A CLUSTERED INDEX is added to the view.
A revised query continues using the subquery , but this time includes a SELECT on the Materialized View. Compare the Excecution Times
The solution is useful to make you think differently about improving response time. It has a management overhead – as the method may be different from how the other database objects are managed
As the DBA , the data model and queries are often in Production , before you’re called in to troubleshoot a bottleneck.
--Potential Fix – --SQL Server parse and compile time: -- CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 3 ms. --SQL Server Execution Times: -- CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 17 ms. --SQL Server parse and compile time: -- CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms. ALTER VIEW vNumbersCodeID WITH SCHEMABINDING AS select NumbersCodeID, COUNT_BIG(*) as countbig from NumberStatistics inner join NumberObject on NumberObject.lNumberObjectId = Number.lNumberObjectId GROUP BY lObjectStatsCodeID GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [idx] ON [dbo].[idxNumbersCodeID] ( [NumbersCodeID] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] GO ----Change query to : SELECT NumbersCodeId, sStatsDescription, sStatsDescriptionCode, NumbersRoutineId, NumbersTypeId FROM NumbersCode WHERE NumbersTypeId = 2 AND NumbersCodeId IN (select NumbersCodeID from vNumbersCodeID WITH (NOEXPAND))
SQL Server - Query Response Time measure - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server – AUTO CREATE STATISTICS - SQL Server DBASQL Server – Find high impact queries with sys.dm_exec_query_stats
SQL Server execution plan as text - SQL Server DBA
SQL Server Query Optimizer and Statistics - SQL Server DBA
SQL Performance tuning - Asking the right question
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