12 February,2013 by Tom Collins
Question: I need to create a snapshot of server cpu information and write into a Microsoft Word Document using Powershell . I’ve read the Powershell to HTML - SQL Server DBA post , but the requirement is to output to a Word Document.
I already have the code to iterate through the server list. The missing part is once on the server , obtaining the server cpu information , creating the Word document and writing into the Word document
Answer: The script below is a template for obtaining server information , creating the Microsoft Word document with a combject and writing to the Word document with Powershell.
In this example – the $cpu_usage variable capture the current CPU usage. In a similar way you can obtain memory and disk usage details
$cpu = gwmi –computername $Server win32_Processor $cpu_usage = "{0:0.0} %" -f $cpu.LoadPercentage $word = New-Object -ComObject "Word.application" $doc = $word.Documents.Add() $doc.Activate() $word.Selection.TypeText("CPU Percentage: $cpu_usage") $word.Selection.TypeParagraph() $file = "C:\projects\testing\laboratory\test.doc" $doc.SaveAs([REF]$file) $Word.Quit()
How to Convert Microsoft Word Format to HTML using Powershell
SQL Server – Powershell Excel to HTML
Powershell , Excel charts and data presentation
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