13 December,2012 by Tom Collins
I use these two methods to return a list of TRIGGERS for a SQL Server database. Sometimes I need to just return a list of TRIGGERS for a specific table - where I add an extra predicate to return a TRIGGER list just for a table
Method 1 – uses the view sys.triggers. The sys.triggers view returns DML and DDL triggers. The view returns SQL Triggers and Assembly Triggers
Method 2 – shows only DML triggers , as they are schema scoped, and sysobjects returns only schema scoped objects.
--Method 1 select object_name(parent_id) as [Table_name],object_name(object_id) as [Trigger_Name] from sys.triggers --Method 2 SELECT DISTINCT SO.[name] AS [Table_name], TR.[name] AS [Trigger_name] FROM [sysobjects] as SO JOIN [sysobjects] as TR ON SO.[id] = TR.[parent_obj] WHERE TR.[type] = 'TR' --AND SO.[name] = ‘my_table’ ORDER BY [Table_name], [Trigger_name]
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