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How to Predict the DBCC SHRINKDATABASE finish time

17 November,2012 by Tom Collins

Question: I’ve issued a  DBCC SHRINKDATABASE on a 1.1 TB database. It’s been running awhile and business users are keen to know the estimated percent complete  and estimated finish time . How can I find out this information?

Answer: Using the SQL Server DMV sys.dm_exec_requests  , assists in estimating the finish time. The percent_complete and estimated_completion columns are useful.

While the DBCC SHRINKDATABASE is running – run the query below without the session_id.

Look for a record with  DbccSpaceReclaim , DbccFilesCompact or DbccLOBCompact in the command column.


SELECT session_id,percent_complete,DATEADD(MILLISECOND,estimated_completion_time,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) Estimated_finish_time,
(total_elapsed_time/1000)/60 Total_Elapsed_Time_MINS ,
DB_NAME(Database_id) Database_Name ,command,sql_handle
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id=59

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Author: Tom Collins (


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