18 September,2012 by Tom Collins
This query returns all the database users and roles attached.
The sys.database_principals returns a role for each principal in the database. The sys.database_role_members returns a row for each member in a role.
As well as giving a good overview of Database Roles the query is useful for auditing SQL Security Policy. A common policy may be to disallow certain roles – such as db_owner to be used.
SELECT members.name, roles.name,roles.type_desc,members.type_desc FROM sys.database_role_members rolemem INNER JOIN sys.database_principals roles ON rolemem.role_principal_id = roles.principal_id INNER JOIN sys.database_principals members ON rolemem.member_principal_id = members.principal_id ORDER BY members.name
SQL Server – How to manage Failed Logon attempts
SQL Server - Security Risk Analysis and database security
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