23 August,2012 by Tom Collins
Predicting the finish tme of a SQL BACKUP DATABASE command is useful. The sys.dm_exec_requests DMV offers some good clues to the finish time.
I was shrinking a log file (due to long running transaction with no built in COMMITS ) that required some management but the command wasn’t executing successfully , due to a running BACKUP DATABASE command . I needed to know the percentage finished of the BACKUP DATABASE command
Running this script ,utilising sys.dm_exec_requests I can see the estimated finish time . I’ve included a sample query , which returns a percent complete and estimated completion.
SELECT session_id,percent_complete,DATEADD(MILLISECOND,estimated_completion_time,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) Estimated_finish_time, (total_elapsed_time/1000)/60 Total_Elapsed_Time_MINS , DB_NAME(Database_id) Database_Name ,command,sql_handle FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE command LIKE ‘%BACKUP DATABASE%’
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