25 February,2012 by Tom Collins
This post explains how to list Event Log Messages with Powershell Get-EventLog , on multiple servers and output the results to a HTML file.
It is only one extra step to send an email attachment.
This example iterates through a list of servers and returns Error messages from the System Event Log generated in the last 24 hrs
$isodate=Get-Date -format s $isodate=$isodate -replace(":","") $basepath=(Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath $serverpath=$basepath + "\config\servers.txt" $outputfile="\logs\sql_server_health_eventviewer_" + $isodate + ".html" $outputfilefull = $basepath + $outputfile #invoke stylesheet . .\modules\stylesheet.ps1 #intro smtp function . .\modules\smtp.ps1 $dt = new-object "System.Data.DataTable" foreach ($server in get-content $serverpath) { $tmpOut = new-object "System.Data.DataTable" $tmpOut = Get-Eventlog -computername $server -logname system -EntryType Error -After $(Get-Date).AddHours(-24)|sort eventid $dt += $tmpOut } $dt | select * -ExcludeProperty Data,Category,Index,Category,CategoryNumber,ReplacementStrings,CategoryNumber,Site,SiteContainer,TimeWritten,Container,InstanceId,UserName | ConvertTo-Html -head $reportstyle -body "Server System Errors on sqlserver-dba.com Servers" | Set-Content $outputfilefull
SQL Server – Send email using Powershell
List failed SQL server Jobs with Powershell
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