22 November,2011 by Tom Collins
SQL Rollback Transaction is easy with sys.dm_exec_requests. The dynamic management view (DMV) sys.dm_exec_requests returns information about each request that is executing within SQL Server.
Instead of using Activity Monitor to view the status of a Rollback , use this T-SQL code.
Activity monitor is based on window panes and is cumbersome to export any information.
Using t-sql allows extra flexibility in reporting.
Note (13 th Sept,2019 ) - Matthias in comments below suggested to add der.reads and der.writes as part of the recordset. This will assist in presenting a more granular breakdown of Rollback progress - so even though it percentage complete may be on certain % - the reads and writes will continue to change
select der.session_id, der.command, der.status, der.percent_complete, der.reads, der.writes from sys.dm_exec_requests as der where command IN ('killed/rollback','rollback')
SQL Server - Predict SQL BACKUP DATABASE finish time with sys.dm_exec_requests
Predict ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE finish time
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