21 June,2011 by Tom Collins
SQL Server Database Size and Free Disk Space reporting is critical in high volume databases.
One of the modelling applications I manage, maintains a large SQL Server database inventory on one SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition instance. The application generates a database per modelling request. Analysts make regular requests for jobs to model different modelling scenarios.
We’re talking about over 50 TB of production data spread across a number of drives. Archiving occurs regularly – moving data offline – readily available for restore.
As the drives can fill very quickly – we produce daily reports to users. Administrators make archiving decisions and manage job scheduling based on this report.
A SQL Server job emails a report every morning.The purpose of the report is to notify of :
Free Drive Space
Drive | MB_Free |GB_Free
Database Details
Database_Name |Database_Size_GB | Database _Size_MB| Drive_Location
To generate the recordsets three stored procedures are used:
/* NAME: Db_Details PURPOSE:View details of all databases on this SQL server Instance: Database_name, Database_size_kb,Database_size_mb,DBID,Filename INPUT PARAMETERS : EXAMPLE : Db_Details NOTE: */ CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Db_Details] AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @name sysname declare @SQL nvarchar(600) /* Use temporary table to sum up database size w/o using group by */ create table #databases ( DATABASE_ID int NOT NULL, size decimal(38,2) NOT NULL) declare c1 cursor for select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where has_dbaccess(name) = 1 -- Only look at databases to which we have access open c1 fetch c1 into @name while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin select @SQL = 'insert into #databases select '+ convert(sysname, db_id(@name)) + ', sum(size) from ' + QuoteName(@name) + '.dbo.sysfiles' /* Insert row for each database */ execute (@SQL) fetch c1 into @name end deallocate c1 select DATABASE_NAME = db_name(DATABASE_ID), DATABASE_SIZE = size*8,/* Convert from 8192 byte pages to K */ REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ into #database_list from #databases select DATABASE_NAME, round(DATABASE_SIZE,2) as DATABASE_SIZE_KB, round((DATABASE_SIZE / 1024),2) as DATABASE_SIZE_MB, round(((DATABASE_SIZE / 1024)/1024),2) as DATABASE_SIZE_GB, DBID, FILENAME from #database_list inner join master..sysdatabases on database_name = name END manageDriveSpace /* NAME: manageDriveSpace PURPOSE:Display free space on all Logical Disks attached to OS The output will display : Drive,MB_Free INPUT PARAMETERS : EXAMPLE : manageDriveSpace NOTE: */ CREATE PROCEDURE[dbo].[manageDriveSpace] AS SET NOCOUNT ON; create table #FreeSpace( Drive char(1), MB_Free int) insert into #FreeSpace exec xp_fixeddrives select Drive,MB_Free,MB_Free/1024 as 'GB_Free' from #FreeSpace WHERE Drive IN ('E','F','H','I') drop table #FreeSpace emailReportDatabaseDetails CREATE PROCEDURE emailReportDatabaseDetails AS --create temp table for databases CREATE TABLE #EmailReportDatabases (DATABASE_NAME VARCHAR(100), DATABASE_SIZE_KB INT , DATABASE_SIZE_MB INT , DATABASE_SIZE_GB INT, [DBID] INT, [FILENAME] VARCHAR (200) ) --create temp table fro drives CREATE TABLE #EmailReportDriveFree (DRIVE VARCHAR(1), MB_Free INT, GB_Free INT ) --insert into staging table for databases BEGIN INSERT INTO #EmailReportDatabases exec dbo.Db_Details END --display Drive free recordset exec dbo.manageDriveSpace --display database recordset SELECT DATABASE_NAME,DATABASE_SIZE_GB,DATABASE_SIZE_MB,LEFT([FILENAME],1) AS DRIVE_LOCATION FROM #EmailReportDatabases ORDER BY DRIVE_LOCATION ASC,DATABASE_SIZE_MB DESC DROP TABLE #EmailReportDatabases DROP TABLE #EmailReportDriveFree
I use Database Mail to generate the report , attach as a file and send to the designated users.
Set up Database Mail on SQL Server 2005
Beyond SQL Server Database Size and Free Disk Space reporting to users , I’ve set up monitoring to alert on thresholds. The monitoring scan the SQL Server every 5 minutes.DBAs receive the alerts.
Author: Jack Vamvas (http://www.sqlserver-dba.com)
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