19 August,2008 by Tom Collins
SQL Server Performance sometimes get very slow. There can be many reasons for the sudden slow down. A systematic approach - can give you a plan to progress.
I use this approach in general situations , where the user has complained of general SQL performance slowdown without giving you specific feedback .
After every stage , check performance. If the performance is still very slow - progress with other analysis. Contact me if you need assistance
UPDATE STATISTICS (with FULL scan) for all tables
exec sp_recompile for all objects
exec sp_refreshview for all views
Stage II
exec sp_recompile for all objects
exec sp_refreshview for all views
Query Hints
Hint: Advise them of the need to write scalable code to start with !
SQL Server Performance Checklist
SQL Server Performance ,memory pressure and memory usage
Author: Tom Collins (http://www.sqlserver-dba.com)
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