19 March,2007 by Tom Collins
SQL Server BACKUP folder in windows registry
*This script reads and copies the backup folder as defined in the windows registry to an Alternative directory
/****************************************************************** * * SQL Server BACKUP *This script read the backup folder as defined in the windows registry ******************************************************************/ CREATE PROCEDURE BACKUP_DB AS DECLARE @BACKUP_DIR VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @ALTERNATIVE_DIR VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @CMD VARCHAR(1000) SET @ALTERNATIVE_DIR = '\\SERVER2\SERVER1\BACKUP\' EXECUTE master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', ' BackupDirectory ', @BACKUP_DIR OUTPUT SET @CMD = 'COPY "' + @BACKUP_DIR + '\*MASTER*" ' + @ALTERNATIVE_DIR EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @CMD GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
Copy only backup in SQL server 2005 and not break the backup chain
Slow SQL Server Backup and Restore with DBCC TRACEON (3004, 3605, -1)
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