26 March,2007 by Tom Collins
An excellent script to deal with XML documents that are greater than 8000 characters. This deals with the SQL Server 2000 limitation. SQL Server 2005 and beyond deasl with more than 8000 characters
Use it like :
DECLARE @hDoc int EXEC usp_OpenXML_From_File 'c:\myXMLfile.xml', @hDoc OUTPUT SELECT * FROM OPENXML(@hDOC, '/rss/channel/item',2) WITH ( title varchar(200), link varchar(400), description nvarchar(2000) )
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE proc usp_OpenXML_From_File(@strPathToFile varchar(500), @hdoc int output) as declare @objStream int, @retval int, @filesize int, @chunknum int declare @chunkstr nvarchar(4000), @strSQL nvarchar(4000) declare @str1 nvarchar(4000), @str2 nvarchar(4000), @str3 nvarchar(4000), @str4 nvarchar(4000), @str5 nvarchar(4000), @str6 nvarchar(4000), @str7 nvarchar(4000), @str8 nvarchar(4000), @str9 nvarchar(4000), @str10 nvarchar(4000), @str11 nvarchar(4000), @str12 nvarchar(4000), @str13 nvarchar(4000), @str14 nvarchar(4000), @str15 nvarchar(4000), @str16 nvarchar(4000), @str17 nvarchar(4000), @str18 nvarchar(4000), @str19 nvarchar(4000), @str20 nvarchar(4000) declare @ErrorSource varchar(255), @ErrorDesc varchar(255) -- create Stream Object from file exec @retval = sp_OACreate 'ADODB.Stream', @objStream OUT --open the stream object. default stream type is text and should fit our needs exec sp_OASetProperty @objStream, 'Type', 2 -- text(default) exec sp_OASetProperty @objStream, 'CharSet', 'utf-8' exec sp_OAMethod @objStream, 'Open' --load file content into stream exec @retval = sp_OAMethod @objStream, 'LoadFromFile', Null, @strPathToFile IF @retval = 0 -- succesfully loaded file begin -- get file size exec sp_OAGetProperty @objStream, 'Size', @filesize OUT -- you need to check file size and decide if it's too big or not -- depending on the number of @strN you declared : -- eg with @str1 to @str20, you can handle files up to 20*3700 = 74000 characters if @filesize <= 74000 begin set @chunknum = 1 while @filesize > 0 begin exec sp_OAMethod @objStream, 'ReadText', @chunkstr out, 3700 set @chunkstr = replace(@chunkstr, char(39), char(39) + char(39)) select @str1 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 1 then @chunkstr else @str1 end,''), @str2 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 2 then @chunkstr else @str2 end,''), @str3 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 3 then @chunkstr else @str3 end,''), @str4 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 4 then @chunkstr else @str4 end,''), @str5 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 5 then @chunkstr else @str5 end,''), @str6 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 6 then @chunkstr else @str6 end,''), @str7 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 7 then @chunkstr else @str7 end,''), @str8 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 8 then @chunkstr else @str8 end,''), @str9 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 9 then @chunkstr else @str9 end,''), @str10 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 10 then @chunkstr else @str10 end,''), @str11 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 11 then @chunkstr else @str11 end,''), @str12 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 12 then @chunkstr else @str12 end,''), @str13 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 13 then @chunkstr else @str13 end,''), @str14 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 14 then @chunkstr else @str14 end,''), @str15 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 15 then @chunkstr else @str15 end,''), @str16 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 16 then @chunkstr else @str16 end,''), @str17 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 17 then @chunkstr else @str17 end,''), @str18 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 18 then @chunkstr else @str18 end,''), @str19 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 19 then @chunkstr else @str19 end,''), @str20 = isnull(case when @chunknum = 20 then @chunkstr else @str20 end,''), @chunknum = @chunknum + 1, @filesize = @filesize - 3700 end end end exec('declare @handle int;exec sp_xml_preparedocument @handle out, ''' + @str1 + @str2 + @str3 + @str4 + @str5 + @str6 + @str7 + @str8 + @str9 + @str10 + @str11 + @str12 + @str13 + @str14 + @str15 + @str16 + @str17 + @str18 + @str19 + @str20+ ''';declare c1 cursor global for select @handle') open global c1 fetch c1 into @hdoc close global c1 deallocate global c1 exec sp_OAMethod @objStream, 'Close' exec sp_OADestroy @objStream GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
XML has become a gained wide usage and it is also possible to use alternative methods for shredding , read more on - Shredding XML with Powershell and SQL Server
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